Coach of the Year Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Submitted by *FirstLastNominee *FirstLastDropdown *Male Competitive CoachFemale Competitive CoachGrassroots CoachTOPSoccerNominee's Club Name *1.) Sportsmanship: *Does the coach promote sportsmanship? Does the coach instill sportsmanship in his/her players and parents beyond soccer? Are players encouraged to be respectful of opponents and the game? Does the coach practice what he/she preaches? 2.) Player development: *Are players motivated to learn and play to the extent of their ability? Does the coach create a training environment that allows for enthusiasm, creativity and self-confidence? Are players encouraged to seek higher competition? Does coach encourage players to train on their own?3.) Personal coaching development: *Briefly, what is the nominee’s coaching philosophy? What courses or licenses has the coach taken to continue his/her education? How does coach learn about the game in other ways? Is the nominated coach a leader? 4.) Involvement in Community: *Is the coach active in the soccer community? Does the coach positively influence soccer beyond his own team or club? Is the coach open to new ways of teaching? How does the coach promote the game? Letter of Recommendation 1 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Letter of Recommendation 2 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Letter of Recommendation 3 * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Submit