We encourage all Coaches who have not done so already to create a profile in the US Soccer Learning Center. Any new coaches will need to go through this platform to register for US Soccer coaching education courses. We encourage all coaches to do this!
Please see the new competitive course steps for coaches wanting to coach competitively in member leagues.
- Create a coaching profile in the US Soccer Learning Center https://learning.ussoccer.com/coach (Free)
- Complete the US Soccer Introduction to Grassroots Coaching Module (Free -20 minutes)
- Complete ONE 2 Hour Online Course – either 4v4 or 7v7 or 9v9 or 11v11 course. All are available online ($25 per course payable to US Soccer – F License suffices)
- Attend ONE 4-hour In-Person Courses (BLENDED LEARNING FORMAT) – either 4v4 7v7 9v9 or 11v11 course
If you have a facility and would like to host a Grassroots course, please contact Adam Howarth and fill out the form link HERE.
Please be aware that the new Grassroots coaching course may requires you to actively participate and conduct field demonstrations and/or play in field sessions. However, if you are unable to actively participate in field sessions, please notify the course instructors at the beginning of the coaching course or anytime during the course. *11v11 IS NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE D LICENSE
Please reach out to doc@illinoisyouthsoccer.org with questions and assistance in putting up current coaching licenses.
Knowledgeable coaches are essential to the development of players. Coaches must keep up with the latest techniques, philosophies and tactics. To maintain credibility, to learn the latest information and to keep up with the players. Improve your knowledge by taking advanced and refresher courses.
If you are interested in hosting a grassroots course, contact Adam and fill out the mandatory form here.
License Details and Upcoming Course Schedule (Click desired license and schedule to see registration)
Course fees are non-refundable! We will credit your fees already paid towards the next Coaching Education Program Course that you attend.
Please note that due to the change in the US Soccer courses there is no discount for league member.
Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
This free introductory module, which represents the first step in the newly revised coaching license pathway, is now the general starting point of the pathway and is the required prerequisite to undergo any of U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Licensing Courses. Coaches who complete the module will also be provided with four complimentary Play-Practice-Play training sessions. The module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
All Grassroots license courses can be found in the US Soccer Learning Center. https://learning.ussoccer.com/
Grassroots courses focus on the Six Tasks of a US Soccer Coach:
- Create a coaching profile in the US Soccer Digital Coaching Center(DCC)
- Complete the US Soccer Introduction To Grassroots Coaching Module
- Minimun Age: 16 years of age
The “4v4” license is aimed for the coach working with 5-8 year old players.
Course Length: 4 Hours – 2 hours webinar, 2 hours in person.
The “7v7” license is a 4 Hour in –person course. It is aimed for the coach working with 9-10 year old players.
Course Length: 4 Hours – 2 hours webinar, 2 hours in person.
The “9v9” license is a 4 Hour in –person course. It is aimed for the coach working with 11-12 year old players.
Course Length: 4 Hours – 2 hours webinar, 2 hours in person.
The “11v11” license is a 4 Hour in –person course. It is aimed for the coach working with 13+ year old players.
Course Length: 4 Hours – 2 hours webinar, 2 hours in person.
Course Details:
The U.S. Soccer D License is an online and in-person course. This blended format combines an online experience, assignments, small group meetings, independent learning, and in-person meeting(s).
Eligibility Requirements: To register for the U.S. Soccer D course, all applicants must meet the following prerequisites
• At least 18 years of age
• Currently coaching or have access to a team U7-U12
• Have completed Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
• Have completed Two (2) GR IP courses and one (1) GR OL course
• Have completed Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
• Previously Earned USSF E License
• Have completed Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
• Previously Earned USSF F License
• Two (2) Additional Grassroots In-Person (4v4, 7v7, or 9v9)
Course Details:
The U.S. Soccer National C License hosted by ILLINOIS YOUTH SOCCER is an online and in-person course. This blended format combines an online experience, assignments, small group meetings, independent learning, and an in-person meeting.
Eligibility Requirements: To be register for the U.S. Soccer C course, all candidates must meet the following prerequisites:
• At least 18 years of age
• Have held a U.S. Soccer D license for at least 6 months OR meet the waiver guidelines.
• Must have access to a team (U13+) in a participation environment for the duration of the course
Course Details:
The U.S. Soccer National B Course hosted by ILLINOIS YOUTH SOCCER is an online and in-person course.
This blended format combines an online experience, assignments, small group meetings, independent learning, and an in-person meeting.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for the U.S. Soccer B Course, all applicants must meet ALL of the following prerequisites:
- At least 18 years of age
- Have held a U.S. Soccer C License for at least 12 months or meet the waiver requirements
- Have 3 or more years of coaching experience (any level)
- Currently coaching a team training at least three (3) times a week
- Currently working in an appropriate soccer environment for the course content -OR- have the opportunity to work with a team of the appropriate level for the course content to complete the assignments (internship, etc.)
Course Details:
The BLENDED format combines an online experience, assignments, small group meetings, independent learning, an in-person meeting and summative assessment interviews.
Eligibility Requirements:
To register for the U.S. Soccer CTL Level 1 Course, individuals must meet the following prerequisites:
· At least 18 years of age
· Hold a U.S. Soccer B license for at least 6 months
· Have a minimum of one (1) year experience in a club technical leadership role (DOC, Technical Director, Age Group/Gender DOC, GK DOC)
*Application for a waiver of the U.S. Soccer B License may be considered based on the following:
- Club technical leader has 10 years of club technical leadership experience AND a U.S. Soccer C License
- OR
- Club technical leader has a recognized equivalent foreign license
· Must be currently serving in a technical leadership role within a club responsible in full or in part for:
- Club player development philosophy
- Club player development plan or age group development plan
- Club coach development plan or age group coach development plan
Club technical Leadership Course (Formerly DOC) (Blended)
Coming Soon
If you are a member recreational program and would like to schedule a FREE clinic, please contact Adam Howarth and fill out the form HERE.
. Some of the topics include:
- Organizing a youth training session using Play – Practice -Play
- Methods of Coaching
- Team Administration and Risk Management
- Laws of the Game
- Parent Engagement
- Small sided games