Registration for the Fall 2024 Illinois State Cup & Presidents Cup is now open until Wednesday, July 10 for the following age groups
- 15U (2010) Girls
- 16U (2009) Girls
- 17U (2008) Girls
- 18U (2007) Girls
- 19U (2006) Girls
Click here for complete details on the Fall State Cup
Click here for complete details on the Fall Presidents Cup
Click here for complete details on the Fall Illinois Cup
Important things for when you register
- If your club name does not show when trying to register – STOP and email DO NOT SELECT IWSL OR YSSL AS YOUR CLUB.
- The event fee is $1,000 and covers all expenses for the event including registration and referee fees for all teams that earn advancement to the USYS Regional events
- When registering there are multiple “paths” to choose
- Play Towards State Cup ONLY (does not guarantee a spot in group play). This means if you will be included in the State Cup draw. If drawn into a play-in game and lose you will NOT have the opportunity to continue in the Presidents Cup and be eliminated from all Cup competitions. Selecting this option DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in group play of State Cup.
- Play Toward State Cup -if drawn into a Play-In Game and Lose – Continue To Play Towards Presidents Cup: This means you will be included in the State Cup draw. If you are drawn into a play-in game and lose you would continue in the Presidents Cup. You could be required to play another Presidents Cup play-in game or may fall directly into group play.
- Play Toward State Cup – if drawn into a Play-In Game & Lose – Continue To Play Towards Presidents Cup – If Lose a Presidents Cup Play-In Advance To Illinois Cup Gold: THIS OPTION GUARANTEES YOU WILL PLAY IN GROUP PLAY IN ONE OF THE CUP COMPETITIONS. This means you will be included in the State Cup draw. If you are drawn into a play-in game and lose you would continue in the Presidents Cup. You could be required to play another Presidents Cup play-in game or may fall directly into Presidents Cupgroup play. If have to play a Presidents Cup play-in game and lose, you would then continue in group play of Illinois Cup Gold.
- Play Toward Presidents Cup ONLY (this does not guarantee a spot in group play): This means if you will be included in the Presidents Cup draw. If drawn into a play-in game and lose you will NOT have the opportunity to continue in the Illinois Cup and be eliminated from all Cup competitions. Selecting this option DOES NOT guarantee you a spot in group play of Presidents Cup.
- Play Toward Presidents Cup-if drawn into a Play-In Game & Lose – Continue To Illinois Cup Gold: This means you will be included in the Presidents Cup draw. If you are drawn into a play-in game and lose you would continue in group play of the Illinois Cup.
- July 10: Registration Closes
- July 24: Payments Dues
- July 31: Brackets Announced
- August 7: Play-In Game Change Deadline
- August 7: Coaching Conflicts Due
- August 17-18: Play-In Games in Rockford
- September 6: Initial Rosters Due
- September 6: Home Team Host Game Info Due
- September 6: Group Game Changes Due
- September 23: Rockford Game Times Announced
- October 11-12: Presidents Cup Group Play Game #3: Sportscore Two in Rockford
- October 11-13: State Cup Group Play Weekend: Sportscore Two in Rockford
- October 13: Presidents Cup Quarterfinals: Sportscore Two in Rockford
- October 18-20: State Cup Quarterfinals & Semifinals: Sportscore Two in Rockford
- October 18-20: Presidents Cup Semifinals & Finals: Sportscore Two in Rockford
- November 2: State Cup Finals: Sportscore Two in Rockford
Illinois State Cup
The Illinois State Cup is the most prestigious tournament in Illinois and the official state championship tournament of the US Youth Soccer National Championship Series. State champions advance to the US Youth Soccer Midwest Regional Championship. Don’t confuse this event with any other tournament. Illinois Youth Soccer has been conducting this official annual state competition that is part of the national US Youth Soccer National Championship Series, since 1966. The Fall Illinois State Cup is run for 15-19U Girls. 13U-14U Girls and 13U-19U Boys play in the Spring. The 14U age group plays their play-in games in the Fall with group play being done in the Spring.
Illinois President Cup
This national tournament provides Illinois Youth Soccer teams an alternative to the Illinois State Cup and an opportunity to advance to a US Youth Soccer Regional event and compete against teams from across the country in the Regional and National competition. Think of it as the Europa League and the State Cup is the Champions League. The Illinois Presidents Cup follows a very similar format to the State Cup. The Fall Illinois Presidents Cup is run for 15-19U Girls. 13U-14U Girls and 13U-19U Boys play in the Spring. The 14U age group plays their play-in games in the Fall with group play being done in the Spring.
Illinois Cup
Started in 2017, the Illinois Cup is a state championship tournament open to Illinois Youth Soccer member travel and high-level rec teams. This in-state only tournament follows a similar format as the other Cup competition (State & Presidents) and offers teams that may not be ready for the State Cup or Presidents Cup, the chance to experience a state-wide championship tournament. The Illinois Cup is offered in two levels of competition: Illinois Cup Gold: Open to any Illinois Youth Soccer member team including teams that fail to advance to the group play portion of the Presidents Cup and tournament only teams. Illinois Cup Silver: Exclusive to teams that compete in the 3rd division or lower of their league play. ONLY teams that meet specific criteria are accepted into the Silver division. With the addition of the Illinois Cup, Illinois Youth Soccer can proudly offer a state championship tournament for teams of ALL skill levels.