The Illinois Youth Soccer Foundation (“Foundation”) has released a Grant Application that will improve the experience for youth soccer athletes by educating coaches. The Foundation believes that the standards and information in the US Soccer (“USSF”) courses will provide the education that coaches need to enhance and expand the youth soccer athletes’ experience.
Purpose of Grant
The purpose of this Grant is to use USSF Coaching Education to teach coaches how to improve the mental health and playing experience of youth athletes by their involvement in the sport.
Keeping youth athletes participating in sports can improve their academic performance and decrease negative outcomes such as dropping out of school, delinquency, substance abuse, gang participation.
In the IYSA hosted USSF ‘C’ or Club Technical Leadership (‘CTL’) Level 1 coaching courses, coaches will learn how to provide a positive environment that keeps youth athletes involved in the sport by improving their mental health and playing experience.
The objective of this Grant is to increase the number of USSF licensed coaches in Illinois who are aligned with the IYSA and USSF Coaching Standards and Code of Conduct and to provide youth athletes with a positive playing experience to keep them involved in the sport.
The goal is to encourage IYSA Member Organization Coaches to successfully attend, complete and obtain an IYSA hosted US Soccer C’ or ‘CTL’ coaching license by reimbursing qualifying coaches a portion of their coaching course registration for these courses.
Terms & Conditions
Before an IYSA Foundation Grant Application can be considered by the Foundation, a qualifying Applicant must successfully complete and receive the US Soccer license for the IYSA hosted course listed in this Application and submit to the Foundation for evaluation the IYSA Foundation Application & Agreement with the required documents, information and certifications.