Please carefully review the information in each tab before submitting (a lot of clubs are filling out the incorrect form):
- Rescheduling/Game Change form is for games that are being changed from its original schedule.
- Game Cancellation/Postponement Form is to be filled out only if a game is cancelled for any circumstance and there is no date set for the rescheduled game. If you have a date for rescheduling, please fill out the “Rescheduling/Game Change” form. If you postpone a game and later agree on a time, please then fill out rescheduling form.
- Please allow a business day updated after Weekday submissions (Mon-Fri before 4pm). For example, if you submit something Monday at 9am, this should be updated Tuesday by the end of the day at the latest. Anything after Friday at 4pm, it should be updated Monday by the end of the day at the latest. Thank you for your patience.
- Please only fill out if this is rescheduling a previously scheduled game or if you have some changes to your scheduled game!
- Before submitting form, please ensure you reach out and agree game change with opposition and your referee assignor
- Submit only if finalized and agreed by both teams.
- If submission is found to be done without the agreement of both teams, the team who did not notify will forfeit game
- If there is a field or location change after 4pm on Friday, you may agree this change with opposition and referee assignor. Please then fill out form for schedule and website update.
- If a game is cancelled or postponed without notifying the opposition, the team who cancelled will forfeit.
- If a game is cancelled postponed without notifying IYSA via the submission, club may be subject to fine at the end of season.
- Postponement of games can be discussed with team and your assignor before IYSA. Need to fill out the below form within 24 hours of postponing for updated schedule.